Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Menurunkan Berat Badan - Losing Weight

Kelebihan berat badan tentu menimbulkan efek obesitas, umur pendek, dan beragam gangguan kesehatan, sehingga berbagai aktivitaspun ga bisa diikutin.
Efek lainnya, yg masih remaja pasti merasa risih dg kondisi agan sendiri, terlebih karena ga bisa ngikutin mode fashion dan tentunya rasa percaya diri terhadap lawan jenis sangat berkurang.

Anda mungkin bingung mencari solusi yang tepat.
ataukah diet (setengah mati)? atau sedot lemak?
semua adalah pilihan anda sendiri.

tapi ini ada sedikit solusi dari saya yang pernah berhasil menuntaskan 17kg.
1. Niat dan Motivasi yg kuat. kalo tanpa motivasi pasti niat anda ga bakal 100%, dan bakal gagal (dijamin!!)
2. Olahraga teratur. agan bisa olahraga di pusat kebugaran sperti Gym atau Jogging minimal 5km tiap pagi, siang, dan sore
3. Atur pola makan. makan ga perlu diStop! agan cukup meninggalkan makanan & minuman yg bersifat racun (Lemak, Mie Instan, Kolesterol, Alkohol), perbanyak sayur dan kurangi nasi 1/2 dari porsi sebelumnya (sebaiknya ganti dengan beras merah)
4. Jangan Ngemil. kalaupun mau ngemil, ganti cemilan dengan buah-buahan atau cemilan yg Low Fat
5. Perbanyak minum air mineral
6. Tidur yang cukup. jangan kelebihan dan jangan kekurangan.

tips diatas bukan sekedar teori, namun ini benar-benar pola yg saya lakukan demi mendapatkan berat badan ideal.

tapi semuanya tergantung niat & kemauan anda sendiri sih,, saya cuma bisa berbagi pengalaman.

Being overweight is certainly cause effects of obesity, short life, and a variety of health problems, so that many can not do activities.
Other effects, people who are still teenagers would feel uncomfortable with condition itself, especially because it can not follow the fashion and of course the confidence of the opposite sex is greatly reduced.

You might be confused to find appropriate solutions.
or diet (half dead)? or liposuction?
there are your own choice.

but there are few solutions for me that succeeded in completing the 17kg.
1. Intention and Motivation forte. if no definite intention and the motivation is not going 100%, the program will failed (trust me!!)
2. Exercise regularly. You can exercise in the gym just as gym or jogging at least 5 km every morning, noon, and evening
3. Adjust your diet. You not to have stopped eating! just leave food and drinks which are toxic (Fat, Instant Noodles, Cholesterol, Alcohol), multiply the vegetables and less rice 1 / 2 from the previous portion (preferably replace it with brown rice)
4. Do not snacking. if want to snack, replace snacks with fruit or snacks Low Fat
5. Drink plenty of mineral water
6. Enough sleep. not to excess and do not lack.

tips above is not just theory, but this is "a distinguished pattern me do to get their ideal body weight.

but it all depends on the intention and willingness your own ,, I can only share my experiences.


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