Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ibnu Sina



Ibnu Sina merupakan seorang filsuf, ilmuwan, dokter dan penulis aktif yang lahir di jaman keemasan Peradaban Islam. Pada jaman tersebut ilmuwan-ilmuwan muslim banyak menerjemahkan teks ilmu pengetahuan dari Yunani, Persia dan India. Teks Yunani dari jaman Plato, sesudahnya hingga jaman Aristoteles secara intensif banyak diterjemahkan dan dikembangkan lebih maju oleh para ilmuwan Islam. Pengembangan ini terutama dilakukan oleh perguruan yang didirikan oleh Al-Kindi. Pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan di masa ini meliputi matematika, astronomi, Aljabar, Trigonometri, dan ilmu pengobatan.
Jadi sebenarnya asal usul ilmu kedokteran adalah dari tulisan filsuf-filsuf Yunani :)
Ibnu Sina dan kawan-kawan membantu menerjemahkan dan mungkin mengembangkan .
Jadi jangan terlalu dibawa dalam proyek misionaris ya kawan :)

Hal yang paling saya ingat dan lakukan adalah perkataan Ibnu Sina tentang mandi air dingin. Cool!

Bathing in Cold Water
Once you have finished exercising; it is often that the person will feel tired and fatigued; to combat this problem Ibn Sina says on page 388:
"The beneficial Effects of Baths: The benefits are (1) induction of sleep (2) dilation of pores (3) cleansing of skin (4) dispersal of the undesirable waste matters (5) maturation of abscesses (6) drawing of nutriment towards the surface of the body (7) assistance to the physiological dispersion and excretion of poisonous matters (8) prevention of diarrhea and (9) removal of fatigue effects." (Avicenna 1999, p. 388)
Most importantly you should remember:
"A person should not go into the bath immediately after exercise. He should rest properly first." (Avicenna 1999, p. 387)
There are two more things that are important to mention on this subject:
"Injurious effects include the fact that the heart is weakened if the person stays too long in the bath" (Avicenna 1999, p. 388)
"Cold Bathing should not be done after exercise except in the case of the very robust. Even then the rules which we have given should be followed. To use cold baths in the ways we have named drives the natural heat suddenly into the interior parts, and then invigorates the strength so that the person should leave the bath twice as strong as when he entered." (Avicenna 1999, p. 390)

selengkapnya baca disini > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avicenna

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