Please understand
This isn't just goodbye
This is "I can't stand you"
This is where the road crashed into the ocean
It rises all around me
And now we're barely breathing
A thousand faces we'll choose to ignore
Curse my enemies forever
Let's slit our wrists and burn down something beautiful
This desperation leaves me overjoyed
With fading lights that lead us past the lives that we destroy
I listen to you cry
A cry for less attention
But both my hands are tied
And I'm pushed into the deep end
I listen to you talk, but talk is cheap
And my mouth is filled with blood
From trying not to speak
So search for an excuse
And someone to believe you
In foreign dressing rooms
I'm empty with the need to
Please understand
Lay rotting where I fall
I'm dead from bad intentions
Suffocated and embalmed
And now all our dreams are cashed in
You swore you wouldn't lose then lost your brain
You make a sound that feels like pain
Please understand
This isn't just goodbye
This is "I can't stand you"
Setiap kali MBDC melihat paras Chelsea Elizabeth Islan, entah itu di tv atau layar lebar, MBDC langsung bersyukur kepada Tuhan yang maha pengasih. Berterima kasih sudah diturunkan anugerah begitu indahnya lewat sosok Chelsea Islan. Beh. Kedengeran lebay? Kamu sih belum ngerti gimana hebatnya pesona cewek yang satu ini.
Kalau kamu belum percaya, lihat nih foto-foto ini. Kalo jatuh cinta resikonya harus bersaing sama MBDC.
1. Anaknya Artsy
2. Pesonanya Bener-Bener Susah Dikalahin
3. So Stunning!
4. Elegan Banget Yak
5. Jadi Pengen Bikin Film!
6. Apakah Dia Sebenarnya Adik Mariana Renata?
7. Senyumnya Menggoyahkan Iman
8. Hah? Kamu Bilang Apa? Maaf Aku Gak Konsen
9. Sini Aku Aja Yang Foto Kamu
10. Mukanya Tuh Ethereal Banget Ya
11. Pelukable Banget!
12. Tatapannya Bikin Minder
13. Lagi Marah Kok Bisa Tetep Cute Gini Sih
14. Neng, Boleh Barengan Gak?
Aaaaak. Chelsea Islan jika kamu membaca artikel ini, MBDC cuma bisa bilang kalo kamu... kamu.. kamu itu.. ah hilang lagi kata-katanya. Kalo kamu beneran baca, pastilah MBDC grogi banget. Jadi sudahlah. Udah jatuh cinta juga sama Chelsea Islan? Dibikin komunitasnya aja apa ya?