Sunday, March 31, 2013


Suatu hari, saya pergi ke rumah temen saya yang kaya raya, punya mobil dan rumahnya besar. Setelah sampai, saya dipersilahkan masuk oleh seorang pembantunya yang menghampiri saya. 
Setelah duduk si mba pembantu langsung menghampiri saya.
Pembantu (P) : Selamat siang Mas. Mau minum apa? Jus buah, soda, teh, coklat, cappuccino, frapuccino, kopi atau yang lain?
Saya (S) : Teh saja, makasih.
P : Tehnya teh ceylon, teh india, teh herbal, teh alang-alang, teh hijau atau teh apa?
S : Teh biasa saja
P : Oh.. Teh nya pake es, hangat atau panas?
S : Pakai es saja
P : Esnya mau es batu, diserut kasar, diserut salju atau dihancurkan acak?
S : Oh, gak usah repot-repot. Es batu saja.
P : Es batunya mau yang bentuk kubus, pipih, bulat, tabung atau hati-hatian?
S : Yang kehati-hatian juga gapapa.
P : Sip. Mau tehnya hitam atau agak putih?
S : Putih.
P : Dengan susu atau krim segar?
S : Dengan susu.
P : Susu kambing, susu domba atau susu sapi?
S : Sapi.
P : Sapi selandia baru, sapi australia atau sapi lokal?
S : zzz, ga jadi putih. Yang biasa saja tehnya.
P : Oke. Pemanisnya mau pakai gula atau madu?
S : Dengan gula.
P : Gula tebu atau gula rendah kalori atau gula bit?
S : Gula rendah kalori klo ada.
P : Gula rendah kalori nya yang putih, coklat atau kuning?
S : Tidak jadi tehnya. Air putih saja.
P : Air mineral, air rebus atau air suling?
S : Air mineral.
P : Dingin atau biasa?
S : Dingin.
P : Dinginnya pakai es atau dingin tanpa es?
S : Dingin tanpa es.
P : Dinginnya minus berapa derajat? -1, -2, -5, -10?
S : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh.. Tidaaaaaak

Don't hate the player, hate the play

Jujur saya dulu rada 'geuleuh' dan alergi ngedengerin lagu-lagu mellow melayu. Asa menjijikan. Lagu yang cocok menggambarkan keadaan itu >>

Saya juga aneh, kok ada yah band yang nyiptain lagu-lagu macam gitu, mendayu-dayu dan bercengkok-cengkok.


Saya salah, saya ga boleh anggap negatif si band nya. Tapi pertanyakanlah para penikmat lagu-lagu tersebut alias FANS-nya.

Saya gatau KENAPA bisa mereka suka lagu gituan, oh my. Apakah tergantung selera masing-masing? Ah menurut saya tidak.

Coba deh dateng ke suatu desa, dan perhatikan mereka suka dengerin lagu apa. Pasti lagu yg setipe dengan itu. Haha

Klo alesan saya gak suka sih, karena mengumbar kesedihan yang mendalam, dan berjuta kenorakan.

Fansnya kenapa bisa ngefans ya?

Apa mereka gatau band-band lain yang lebih jenius.. dan karya-karya yang lebih kreatif lainnya.

*tulisan ini terlepas dari seberapa laku nya band tsb

My Chemical Romance - Summertime

Salah satu band favorit saya yang beberapa hari lalu bubar :'(
One of my fav band, that broke up few days ago.

When the lights go out
Will you take me with you?
And carry all this broken bone
Through six years down in crowded rooms
And highways I called home?
Something I can't know 'til now.
'til you pick me off the ground
With a brick in hand and your lip-gloss smile,
Your scraped-up knees...

And if you stay I will either wait all night
Or until my heart explodes
How long?
'til we find our way in the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me anytime you want

Terrified of what I'd be
As a kid from what I've seen
Every single day when people try
And put the pieces back together
Just to smash them down
Turn my headphones up real loud
I think I need them now
Could you stop the noise?

If you stay I would even wait all night
Or until my heart explodes
How long?
'til we find our way In the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me anytime you want

Anytime you want
Anytime you want

Don't walk away [x3]

'Cause if you stay I will either wait all night
Or until my heart explodes
How long?
Until we fall away in the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me anytime you want
You can write it on your arm
You can run away with me anytime you want

+44 - No It Isn't

Please understand
This isn't just goodbye
This is I can't stand you
This is where the road crashed into the ocean
It rises all around me
And now we're barely breathing
A thousand faces we'll choose to ignore

Curse my enemies forever
Let's slit our wrists and burn down something beautiful
This desperation leaves me overjoyed
With fading lights that lead us past the lives that we destroy

I listen to you cry
A cry for less attention
But both my hands are tied
And I'm pushed into the deep end
I listen to you talk but talk is cheap
And my mouth is filled with blood
From trying not to speak
So search for an excuse
And someone to believe you
In foreign dressing rooms
I'm empty with the need to

Curse my enemies forever
Let's slit our wrists and burn down something beautiful
This desperation leaves me overjoyed
With fading lights that lead us past the lives that we destroy

Curse my enemies forever
Let's slit our wrists and burn down something beautiful
This desperation is leaving me overjoyed
With fading lights that lead us past the lives that we destroy

Please understand

Lay rotting where I fall
I'm dead from bad intentions
Suffocated and embalmed
And now all our dreams are cashed in
You swore you wouldn't lose then lost your brain
You make a sound that feels like pain

So please understand
This isn't just goodbye
This is I can't stand you